Latest Past Events

Tai Ji Practice

Every Friday, a community of folx gather online to practice Tai Ji together—and you are welcome to be join us. The space is open to all who are interested in Tai Ji practice. In the words of Beckie Masaki: "Please come as you are, move where you are.  For those who can, wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bare feet […]

Tai Ji Practice

Every Friday, a community of folx gather online to practice Tai Ji together—and you are welcome to be join us. The space is open to all who are interested in Tai Ji practice. In the words of Beckie Masaki: "Please come as you are, move where you are.  For those who can, wear comfortable clothes you can move in, and bare feet […]

Living into Collective Governance

We are excited to offer Living into Collective Governance—a WeGovern Clinic series building upon the wisdom and learnings of our inaugural Clinics and WeGovern Learning Community. We invite you to join us in the practice of collective governance as we weave a story of thriving for ourselves and generations to come. Session Dates: July 11th, July 18th, […]

Sliding Scale